Evangelist Chris Dallas


Local Church Evangelist

A local church evangelist out of Clays Mill Baptist Church in Lexington, KY. 

Founder of Victory In Jesus Ministry

Victory in Jesus is a ministry with the purpose to reach those entagled in addictions to have Victory in Jesus.

Preaching Revival Across The World

Evangelist Chris Dallas still preaches and believes the old paths.

Bro. Dallas with the Sheepdog Ministries is on the road in churches at least fifty weeks a year preaching revivals, youth conferences, and camps.

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“God has given Bro. Chris Dallas a heart for people. God has given the people an ear for Bro. Dallas’ message. When he preaches, people listen and respond. This is every pastors’s desire–help for his people.”
Dr. Terry Anglea

“It is with great pleasure that I recommend to you Evangelist Chris Dallas. When you hear Brother Dallas preach you will say, ” Thank the Lord that we still have this kind of a fiery, Bible preacher still preaching today!” Without question the good hand of the Lord is on this preacher and when you hear him preach you will agree with me and recognize that he is in fact a man of God.
It has been my privilege to not only have Brother Dallas preach for me in Lexington, KY at Clays Mill Baptist Church, it is my privilege often to preach with him in conferences across America. This letter is my full endorsement for Brother Dallas and my recommendation to have him preach for you.”
Dr. Jeff Fugate

“We at Bible Baptist Church will always have the distinction of being the church Bro. Dallas held his first revival at. We enjoyed him so much that we have him back every year since then! We recommend him to you without reservation.”
Dr. J.D. Weido

About Chris Dallas

Bro. Dallas was saved on August 16, 1998 after traveling down a dead end road of drug addiction.  On July 4, 1999 he surrendered to preach the “same gospel” that was given to him almost a year earlier and that semester enrolled in Tri-State Baptist College.  After graduating college, Bro. Dallas was involved in various ministries in the church and getting invitations to preach quiet often. Later, he was able to move full time in to evangelism.



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